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Topher Tune's TimesTopher Tune's TimesTopher Tune's TimesTopher Tune's TimesTopher Tune's Times



At Creative Pipe, Inc. we are deeply entrenched in the bicycling community and are therefore quite aware of the cyclist's needs.
The search for bicycle storage continues...
My father was hiding for about a year in the bicycle-shed behind our house in Zeist, near Utrecht.
Enough! Stop that.
posted by TT 8:21 AM


, "School children, Manzanar Relocation Center, California," is part of Ansel Adams's "Suffering a Great Injustice," American Memory, which newthings mined. Recommend the 17 mb TIFF, which the Times views on Quicktime plugin in Mozilla, making sure to clear sidebar and minimize menu bars as much as possible.
posted by TT 9:32 PM

When the blog updates, loads with comments, mostly empty, and referrers, you be the judge, life is good. It's good anyway, as all of the above doesn't happen reliably. Enough.

Mountains and Rivers without End is not only a great book by "a celebrated beatnik, mountaineer, environmental crusader, essayist and poet, Gary Snyder [who] has lived a life worthy of the epic he has finally finished."—The New York Times, it also has its knockoffs, inspired and whatever and more whatever. Well not all is whatever (the scroll), but enough. The Toph put together a map of all the mountains and rivers between the Mexican and Canadian borders a few times, and there was never that sense he got them all. So, itinerant photo people, fire up the woody and snap away. Every mountain. Every river.
posted by TT 7:22 AM


Surf, troll.
posted by TT 8:38 AM

Have this painting of a figure, love to post, dare not post. Do war instead? No, do another figure painting. Love to post, dare not post? No, get back to work. Still, there must be a place where no one will mind.
posted by TT 8:37 AM

Yew trees block the sun
No not quite spring fever
Vapor trail and dazzling
posted by TT 8:15 AM


Dust. Not much dust here except for spring cleaning dust, and that's not real dust. Sand here is big, like gravel, 1/8" in size. Rain, light, a mist, clear, no mud, and now stratus, sound of hammering. This is life in Montara on the coast 25 miles south of San Francisco.
posted by TT 9:00 AM


Sesow: Intense Raw Art
100's paintings by new artist:Sesow Updated Weekly. Very Intense!
get rid of this ad | advertise here

Not bad. What now?
posted by TT 8:09 AM

War, la guerre; que veut G.Bush ? protest now -agissons, réagissons
Can bracket the horror, and the ads go on. The Times could be just a record of some of the more surprising, nothing more. For example, aforementioned Kairos, a word that means some program, some thing where there's money to do something. Search for it. What is it exactly? A cover? An inspiration?
posted by TT 7:27 AM


Today's message from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians is about how God works with the (un)wise. The minister invited us to view the war as evil whether we are for or against "it." He said TV is not war, but a way to bear witness, and God is at work there.
posted by TT 2:59 PM

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