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Peace. V. Vale writes in his 2003 RE/SEARCH Newsletter #24, greetings as follows:
This year we have twin goals -- simplifying our life by focusing on "enlightenment" and "pleasure" (it's great when the two merge, like when watching "Bowling for Columbine"). Toward that end we have adopted the words of Gerald V. Casale (founder, DEVO): "Whenever Bush comes on television [or radio], I change the station." We do not want HIS WORDS, HIS VOICE internalized in our subconscious, where they might somehow become "commands." Read William S. Burroughs' essay "Sects and Death" for more thoughts as to how George W. Bush acts exactly like an "evil" cult leader in the lunatic tradition of Hitler, L. Ron Hubbard, and Peoples' Temple madman Jim Jones. In fact, Burroughs' non-fiction essay/interview books (Adding Machine, The Job, Collected Interviews (and our own RE/Search #4/5) are more relevant than ever in this era of information-distraction or disinfo-diarrhea...
posted by TT 4:59 PM


TT has a flower for the day here. It's the first sign of spring in January, Zigadenus fremontii, Star Lily (Fremont's Camas). There is no winter here.
posted by TT 3:53 PM


A place that gives a hint of PHP "@" error suppression is this manual page.
posted by TT 7:29 PM

TT was getting all kinds of directory output, printout, or listing including hidden file on web page from innocently reading a directory in PHP. This was happening in the function below, and the fix is the "@" sign in not one, but two places.

function read_file()
    global $image_path ,
        $image_fname ,
        $my_error_check ;
    $image_fname = "" ;
    if ( $handle = @opendir ( $image_path ) )
        while (false !== ( $file = @readdir ( $handle ) ) )
            if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
                 if ( $my_error_check )
                     echo ( "file: $file") ;
                $image_fname = $image_fname . $file . ":" ;
                if ( $my_error_check )
                    echo ( "image_fname: $image_fname") ;
        closedir ( $handle ) ;
    if ( $my_error_check )
        echo ("leaving read_file") ;

posted by TT 6:53 PM


Destroy evil from newthings, look for San Francisco.
posted by TT 4:57 PM


TT has two ways to make thumbnails from all .jpg files in directory using jpegget, assuming that these files all have thumbnails in the first place.

This is the batch script TT used to use, but needs a fix, because it also picks up thumbnail files deposited in same directory during processing, and writes error message, but no harm, and may or may not clobber existing thumbnail.

rem batch file to simplify command line for jpegget
rem @echo off
if "%1" == "" goto error
cd %1
for %%a in (*.JPG) do jpegget %%a
goto end
echo "usage: %0 directory"

Here is Perl script that solves the problem above in its messy current state. Lots of error checking still does not happen.

#thumbnail extractor calls jpegget with list of files in currrent directory
#works much better than old jpeggetem
#example invocation:
#perl c:/scripts/ C:\christy_tmp\10.05montara_spring_files\10.05third_montara_spring

$nargs = @ARGV ;
die ("Usage: $0 directory")
if ($nargs == 0);
$where = @ARGV[0] ;

#print $where ;

chdir $where or die "Can't chdir to $where\n" ;

opendir(DNAME, $where) || die "Unable to open the requested directory";

#while( $filename = readdir( DNAME ) ) {
# print "$filename \n";

@dir_contents = readdir(DNAME);
#print "\n Unsorted contents of $where \n";

$list = "" ;
foreach $x (@dir_contents) {
# print "$x ";
@is_jpg = split (/\./, $x) ;
if (@is_jpg[3] eq "jpg") {
#print "here\n " ;
$list = $list . " " . $x ;


#print $list;

@args = ("jpegget", $list);
system(@args) == 0 or die "system @args failed: $?";
posted by TT 2:45 PM

Jesus grows up fast. Last week was the Epiphany, and today, the day of the brooding Spirit, ruwach, the traditional reading for this week is the baptism. Congregation fervently prays for peace, almost impatiently. Other voices are raised, such as Andrew Motion's Causa Belli printed in the newspaper and here.
posted by TT 2:16 PM

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